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Global Resources Network

We find money for small businesses...

  • Business Loans
  • Equipment Leasing
  • Sale/Leasebacks
  • Lines of Credit
  • Receivables Factoring
  • Commercial Loans

Minimum requirements for funding...

If your company has been in business a minimum of 2-3 years,
and you can provide:
A. Business tax returns for 2-3 years
B. Personal returns for 2-3 years
C. A business Plan
We can get you the money you need.

To begin the process...

The process begins by forwarding:
A.The Project Summary
B.Loan Summary
C.And resumes on the principles involved with the project.

These must be forwarded via regular mail or overnight delivery. (Emailed business plans will be deleted immediately.)

After the project has been studied, you will be notified as to whether there is interest in the project. If there is, we proceed with additional information gathering. if not, we will tell you "why not" and what can be done to make it more feasible.

Free financing report available

Most business finance proposals fail to acquire the funding business owners require because the business owner doesn't know what information is necessary.

There are steps that are necessary, and information that is required. This free report will guide you along the way to a succesful proposal.

This report is available by going to the "Contact" section and requesting it via email.